
Microsoft Releases AD Client Extension

Microsoft has developed an extension for Windows NT 4.0 that allows this platform to take advantage of Windows 2000 Active Directory (AD) features.

Microsoft has developed an extension for Windows NT 4.0 that allows this platform to take advantage of Windows 2000 Active Directory (AD) features. The “Active Directory Client for Windows NT 4.0” extension enables:

  • Site awareness (log on to the domain controller closest to the client in a network, change passwords on any Win2K-based domain controller)
  • AD Service Interfaces (allow scripting to AD and provide a common programming API to AD programmers)
  • DFS fault tolerance client (provides access to Win2K distributed file system fault tolerant and fail-over file shares specified in AD)
  • AD Windows Address Book property pages (enables changing of properties on user objects)
  • NTLM v.2 authentication (client extension takes advantage of NTLM v.2 authentication features).

For more information on the NT 4.0 client extension and to download, go to

Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Washington,


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