
Microsoft Outsources Development of MCP Exam

In a precedent-setting move, Microsoft has chosen an outside company, ACT, to develop an MCP exam.

In a precedent-setting move, Microsoft has chosen an outside company to develop an MCP exam. Few details have been released, but it is known that ACT, responsible for the ACT Assessment test for prospective college students, was the company chosen to develop the exam.

Kris Vezina, group program manager, certification and skills assessment for Microsoft, said in an email that “Microsoft is partnering with companies that will expand our exam development capabilities.”

“Microsoft sets its test-development standards very high, and ACT’s track record speaks to our ability to develop high-stakes tests for major organizations,” RickiAnn Saylor, vice president of ACT’s professional development services said in a press release. “This is our first IT certification offering, and we look forward to working with Microsoft on this project.” Neither Microsoft nor ACT would release details of what exam was being developed.

The process is still in the birthing stage, Vezina wrote. “We are currently mapping out content and have not yet assigned any development projects to ACT.” In its press release, however, ACT stated that the exam will be delivered in 2003.

Vezina also said the decision isn’t a sign of trouble within the certification division at Microsoft. “The MCP Program is outsourcing development of content to extend our exam development capabilities.” Other companies are also involved in developing exam content, including The Chauncey Group, BrainCore.Net and International Trade and Development Group (ITDG). None has responsibility for an entire test, though.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.


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