
Exchange 2003 Exam Goes Live Next Week

New exam for Exchange specialist titles debuts November 10.

According to the recently updated exam objective guide on the Microsoft Learning Web site, Microsoft expects to release Exam 70-284, Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 on Monday, November 10. The exam is an elective option for the MCSA and MCSE on both Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 tracks. It's also a prescribed exam for the Exchange specializations for the MCSA and MCSE.

Exam 70-284 was only recently beta tested (see "Exchange 2003 Exam Beta Tested This Week" in the News archive), and follows quickly on the heels of the release of Microsoft Exchange 2003 and the Microsoft Office System in mid-October. (Click here and hereto read articles on the Web site regarding Exchange Server 2003 and Office System 2003.)

Exam 70-284 is aimed at IT professionals who have about a year's experience working in an Exchange messaging environment; Microsoft recommends this exam to candidates who've set up at least two Exchange Server 2003 machines in a modestly complex medium- to enterprise-sized network. The company recommends the following resources for studying up on this exam:

To read the 70-284 exam objective guide, click here. To read the MCSA requirements click here; for MCSE, click here.

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.


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