
First MCDST Exam Released

Exam 70-271 made its debut Monday; 70-272 follows next month.

Exam 70-271, Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Windows XP Operating System, went live on Monday, January 12. The exam, along with Exam 70-272, Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Windows XP Operating System, comprise the exams required for obtaining the Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician, a new title that the company announced back in October 2003. (See "Desktop Tech Cert Sees Light of Day" in the News archive or click here for more details.) Microsoft in the past had indicated that the exam would also count as an elective under the MCSA or MCSE on Windows 2003 tracks; however, the exam doesn't appear in the list of requirements as of this writing.

Exam 70-271 is aimed at those who offer on-site, phone, or remote support to users of Microsoft's Windows XP Home and Professional Editions. According to the exam objective guide, candidates should also have working knowledge of workgroup computing or Active Directory domains.

Microsoft offers several official training resources for this exam:

  • 2261: Supporting Users Running the Microsoft Windows XP Operating System (3 days, instructor led)
  • 2262: Supporting Users Running Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System (2 days, instructor led)

The exam objective guide also lists a self-study guide from Microsoft Press, Training Kit: Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP, but the page furnishes no details regarding release date.

To view the exam objective guide, click here. To view the MCDST requirements, click here.

Exam 70-272 will be released in February, according to the exam guide on the Microsoft Web site (click here to view it).

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.


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