
Testing Discount/Retake Offer Extended for Partners

Popular exam savings and retake offer extended through Microsoft Certfied Partners and Microsoft Business Solutions programs.

Microsoft Corporation is offering Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Partner Competency and Microsoft Business Solutions exams at significant discounts worldwide to candidates who are affiliated with Microsoft Certified Partner companies.

The offer is available in two tiers, based on partner level. For companies at the Certified Partner level, Microsoft is providing exams at 25 percent off; up to 25 vouchers can be redeemer per Certified Partner organization. Gold Certified Partners get an even better break: 30 percent off exams for up to 100 vouchers per company. Candidates can find out if they qualify by going to and filling out a form. Exams retail for $125US, but vary by region. Vouchers are issued through MeasureUp, a Microsoft Certified Testing partner.

In related news, Microsoft has extended availability of its "Second-Shot" exam promotion for candidates at Certified Partner organizations who plan to take MCP and PCE exams. The offer runs from May 11 to August 31, 2005. (This offer differs from the one available to the general public; see "MCP Exam Second-Shot Nears End" at for details.)

As with the discount offer, testing candidates must be affiliated with Certified and Gold Certified Partners to qualify for the retake, which allows someone who takes and fails an MCP or PCE exam to retest on the same exam one more time for free. Candidates must be registered in the program prior to making an attempt at an exam. Exam retakes must be completed by September 30, 2005. Exam retakes are being offered through Pearson Vue testing centers only.

More information on both promotions can be found by clicking here; for general worldwide Microsoft Certified Partner information, click here.

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.


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